Saturday, December 28, 2019

Standard Based Learning And Its Impact On Education

Standard based learning has led to the demise of public education for years. Standard based learning is an educational system that measures students’ achievement and mastery of skills by their performance on assessments. Institutions that implement standard based learning use learning standards that explicitly describe what students should theoretically know and what lessons that educators should teach. The learning standards were created to define the adeptness of the students, ensure the retention of information, and the acquisition of the appropriate skills. Law makers tend to believe that standards will make the educational system a better place. With each political campaign a new educational reform is presented and it usually†¦show more content†¦Southerland cite that NCLB was an improvement policy that required, â€Å"†¦ greater accountability to improve students’ achievement scores on statewide-administered summative tests for both teachers and sc hool systems.†(Aydeniz 234). This can be said for all of the political reforms the agenda is to improve the test scores not the education of our children Educators are not only limited financially but they are deprived to the freedom to actually educate their students. Standards are subjective requirements that tend to hinder the true abilities of students and educators; no student is the same therefore it seems almost impossible to require every student to be able to comprehend on the same levels. In order to measure student competency evaluations are given. These evaluations formally known as standardized tests are not only used to measure students’ â€Å"wit† they are also used to give an indication of the educators’ performace.Standardized tests are the main focus for many educators in state-funded public schools. Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests, End of Course Tests, Graduation Tests, Milestones and state writing tests seem to all have one thing in common; they are used to determine the amount of money schools will receive. Education is yet another pawn in the political revenue game. The â€Å"success rate† of the schools determine the amount of funds that they receive from the government, meaning that if a school does not meet qualifications then their

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